The Eye of The Hurricane

Axair Spanish supplier have recently supplied some fans for a prime time television programme. 'El Hormiguero' (or "the anthill') is a famous daily Spanish TV show with a live audience focusing on comedy, science & politics. Since 2008, the show has received a large number of international celebrity guests, including Sylvester Stallone, Will Smith, Formula 1 racing driver Fernando Alonso and Tennis Champion Rafael Nadal, to name just a few. Part of the programme consists of experiments set by 'El Hombre de Negro' (The 'Man in Black') who in this episode, surprised the main guest R&B Singer Jason Derulo with a simulation of a tornado viewed from within. To achieve this, the technicians built a 6 meter high by 4 meters in diameter cylindrical structure, fitted with 5 double inlet forward curved centrifugal fans (also referred to as 'inch blowers'). These new fans are powered by 1.3Kwa EC motors with a maximum airflow of 7800m³/h, providing a combined 40,000m³/h inside the structure.   In order to give the perfect illusion, some small loose Styrofoam balls slide around the structure’s membrane carried by the airflow for a dramatic effect. As you can see on the video, this recreates very impressively the sensation to be in the eye of a hurricane! These fans are from the new range of EC (Electronically Commutated) centrifugal double inlet forward curved blowers. These are fitted with brushless DC motors and operate with a specially-designed variable speed drive, available for either single or three-phase operation. Sodeca offers a complete range of EC inch blowers, starting from impeller size 19/19 (7/7 inches) up to 33/33 (12/12 inches). Please call Axair for details.    

Watch the clip here: